Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unusual Golf Accessories

tacky tacky tacky!

When it comes to improving your golf game, it is fair to say that there are plenty of accessories out there which may not be familiar to many people, but still make big promises about how they can improve your game, and many look simply outlandish when used in public. For those people who are fans of golfing movies, imagining the main character from Tin Cup when he has the shanks and tries every known accessory to try and improve his game, but looks quite bizarre when wearing all the different examples of golf accessories.

There are of course plenty of accessories which are pretty normal, such as nets for chipping and driving practice, and even a simulation putting green carpet which can be rolled out to practice putting almost anywhere, although it has often been found in many offices. As well as these, there are also plenty of golf accessories which aim to teach you how to improve a swing, or to get better at chipping or another part of your game, and these can often be hit and miss as to how successful they are.

However, in terms of the unusual or bizarre golf accessories, one of the most common is the baseball hat which has a piece of plastic hanging from the beak, which is specifically designed to help people to aim at the right place when taking a swing, which is claimed to reduce the amount of shots that go awry. Another common accessory which is built in to an item of clothing is a pair of trousers which have much less flexibility around the hips, and are designed to get the golfer thinking about keeping their hips during their swing, and certainly comes under the heading of unusual golf accessories.

One of the new developments in golf accessories that have appeared over recent years are the software programs which are created for the games consoles that have motion sensors, which then analyze your swing and provide tips for improvements based on this analysis. However, these can often be for games consoles such as the Wii which only has a limited amount of motion sensor feedback that is input into the console. And from there, the data extrapolated can be limited, but this is certainly one of the growth areas in golf accessories at the moment.

Although it is fair to say that there have been plenty of downright bizarre golf accessories over the years, even though they may look odd, they can often help a player to focus on one particular part of their game that isn't keeping up with the rest of the game, and can actually help to improve things. It won't always be the case that all the golf accessories can be worn down to the local course or the driving range, but they certainly can be helpful when used in private to help bring back the golf game with some of these unusual golf accessories.

Billy is Director Of Content for LeadsByFone, a marketing and lead generation company servicing the flood damage and restoration industry.

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